Effective Managed Cloud

Effective Managed Cloud

Powerful instances with the best performance-cost ratio. Effective for any applications Learn more ›

Get 2 MONTHS FREE with Annual hosting!


Main Locations in Europe: Nuremberg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland)

Extra Locations in Europe *: London (UK), Gravelines (France), Strasbourg (France), Warsaw (Poland)

PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU StorageBandwidthPrice
EC2Managed2GB 2 Cores 40GB SSD 20TB
€16.86 /mo
Paid €202.30 /yr

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EC4Managed4GB 3 Cores 80GB SSD 20TB
€30.65 /mo
Paid €367.80 /yr

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EC8Managed8GB4 Cores160GB SSD 20TB
€56.20 /mo
Paid €674.40 /yr

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EC16Fully Managed16GB8 Cores240GB SSD 20TB
€102.30 /mo
Paid €1227.60 /yr

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EC32Fully Managed32GB16 Cores360GB SSD 20TB
€185.00 /mo
Paid €2222.00 /yr

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PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU StorageBandwidthPrice
EC2Managed2GB 2 Cores 40GB SSD 20TB
€20.23 /mo
€0.67 /day

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EC4Managed4GB 3 Cores 80GB SSD 20TB
€36.78 /mo
€1.21 /day

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EC8Managed8GB4 Cores160GB SSD 20TB
€67.44 /mo
€2.22 /day

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EC16Fully Managed16GB8 Cores240GB SSD 20TB
€122.76 /mo
€4.04 /day

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EC32Fully Managed32GB16 Cores360GB SSD 20TB
€222.00 /mo
€7.30 /day

Create ›


* Extra Locations require additional Data-center fee.



Effective Managed Cloud - Dedicated vCPU

Effective Managed Cloud With Dedicated vCPU

Instances with Dedicated vCPUs and 1:4 ratio of CPU to RAM. Optimal for CPU-intensive applications. Learn more ›

Get 2 MONTHS FREE with Annual hosting!


Locations: Nuremberg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland)

PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU NVMe SSDBandwidthPrice
DEC8Managed8GB2 Cores80GB 20TB
€56.20 /mo
Paid €674.40 /yr

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DEC16Fully Managed16GB4 Cores160GB 20TB
€102.30 /mo
Paid €1227.60 /yr

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DEC32Fully Managed32GB8 Cores240GB 30TB
€185.00 /mo
Paid €2220.00 /yr

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DEC64Fully Managed64GB16 Cores360GB 40TB
€290.00 /mo
Paid €3480.00 /yr

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DEC128Fully Managed128GB 32 Cores600GB 50TB
€490.00 /mo
Paid €5880.00 /yr

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DEC192Fully Managed192GB 48 Cores960GB 60TB
€690.00 /mo
Paid €8280.00 /yr

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PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU NVMe SSDBandwidthPrice
DEC8Managed8GB2 Cores80GB 20TB
€67.44 /mo
€2.25 /day

Create ›

DEC16Fully Managed16GB4 Cores160GB 20TB
€122.76 /mo
€4.09 /day

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DEC32Fully Managed32GB8 Cores240GB 30TB
€222.00 /mo
€7.40 /day

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DEC64Fully Managed64GB16 Cores360GB 40TB
€348.00 /mo
€11.60 /day

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DEC128Fully Managed128GB 32 Cores600GB 50TB
€588.00 /mo
€19.60 /day

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DEC192Fully Managed192GB 48 Cores960GB 60TB
€828.00 /mo
€27.60 /day

Create ›





Standard Managed Cloud

Standard Managed Cloud

Balanced compute resources at a lower cost. Optimal for applications that can handle variable levels of CPU. Learn more ›

Get 2 MONTHS FREE with Annual hosting!


Locations in Europe: Madrid (Spain), Paris (France), London (UK), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Frankfurt (Germany), Stockholm (Sweden), Warsaw (Poland)

PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU StorageBandwidthPrice
MicroManaged1GB 1 Core 25GB SSD 1TB
€17.25 /mo
Paid €207.00 /yr

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MC2Managed2GB 1 Core 50GB SSD 2TB
€32.00 /mo
Paid €384.00 /yr

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MC4Managed4GB2 Cores80GB SSD 4TB
€59.00 /mo
Paid €708.00 /yr

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MC8Fully Managed8GB4 Cores160GB SSD 5TB
€108.00 /mo
Paid €1296.00 /yr

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MC16Fully Managed16GB6 Cores320GB SSD 8TB
€196.00 /mo
Paid €2352.00 /yr

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MC32Fully Managed32GB8 Cores640GB SSD 16TB
€352.00 /mo
Paid €4224.00 /yr

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MC64Fully Managed64GB 16 Cores1280GB SSD 20TB
€624.00 /mo
Paid €7488.00 /yr

Create ›

PlanSupport Level**MemoryCPU StorageBandwidthPrice
MicroManaged1GB 1 Core 25GB SSD 1TB
€20.70 /mo
€0.68 /day

Create ›

MC2Managed2GB 1 Core 50GB SSD 2TB
€38.40 /mo
€1.26 /day

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MC4Managed4GB2 Cores80GB SSD 4TB
€70.80 /mo
€2.33 /day

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MC8Fully Managed8GB4 Cores160GB SSD 5TB
€4.26 /day

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MC16Fully Managed16GB6 Cores320GB SSD 8TB
€235.20 /mo
€7.74 /day

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MC32Fully Managed32GB8 Cores640GB SSD 16TB
€422.40 /mo
€13.90 /day

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MC64Fully Managed64GB 16 Cores1280GB SSD 20TB
€748.80 /mo
€24.63 /day

Create ›






ARM64-based cloud

Managed ARM Cloud

ARM64-based Managed Cloud efficient for running applications using PHP and MariaDB. Learn More ›

Optimized for WordPress, WooCommerce, OpenCart, PrestaShop, osCommerce.

Get 2 MONTHS FREE with Annual hosting!


Location in Europe: Falkenstein (Germany), Helsinki (Finland)

PlanSupport Level**MemoryArm64 CPU StorageBandwidthPrice
AC4Managed4GB 2 Cores 40GB SSD 20TB
€16.86 /mo
Paid €202.30 /yr

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AC8Managed8GB 4 Cores 80GB SSD 20TB
€30.65 /mo
Paid €367.80 /yr

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AC16Managed16GB8 Cores160GB SSD 20TB
€56.20 /mo
Paid €674.40 /yr

Create ›

AC32Fully Managed32GB16 Cores320GB SSD 20TB
€102.30 /mo
Paid €1227.60 /yr

Create ›

PlanSupport Level**MemoryArm64 CPU StorageBandwidthPrice
AC4Managed4GB 2 Cores 40GB SSD 20TB
€20.23 /mo
€0.67 /day

Create ›

AC8Managed8GB 4 Cores 80GB SSD 20TB
€36.78 /mo
€1.21 /day

Create ›

AC16Managed16GB8 Cores160GB SSD 20TB
€67.44 /mo
€2.22 /day

Create ›

AC32Fully Managed32GB16 Cores320GB SSD 20TB
€122.76 /mo
€4.04 /day

Create ›





Daily PricingManaged Cloud – Daily Pricing

Temporarily Scale Olvy Cloud Up Or Down


If you don’t want to upgrade permanently but expecting high volume traffic to your website you can request temporary upgrade for Cloud Server on daily basis. Your current Plan can be temporary upgraded to the following Plans.

Effective Cloud

  • EC4 ……………….. €1.21 EUR /day
  • EC8 ……………….. €2.22 EUR /day
  • EC16 ……………… €4.04 EUR /day
  • EC32 ……………… €7.30 EUR /day
  • EC64-Power ….. €11.45 EUR /day
  • EC128-Power … €19.35 EUR /day
  • EC192-Power … €27.25 EUR /day

Standard Cloud

  • MC2 ……………….. €1.26 EUR /day
  • MC4 ……………….. €2.33 EUR /day
  • MC8 ……………….. €4.26 EUR /day
  • MC16 ……………… €7.74 EUR /day
  • MC32 ……………… €13.90 EUR /day
  • MC64 ……………… €24.63 EUR /day

ARM Cloud

  • AC4 ……………….. €0.67 EUR /day
  • AC8 ……………….. €1.21 EUR /day
  • AC16 ……………… €2.22 EUR /day
  • AC32 ……………… €4.04 EUR /day

Learn more how Managed Cloud Plans are upgrading or downgrading on Olvy.


* Daily Pricing is available in the European locations: London, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Falkenstein, Helsinki




Managed Block Storage

Managed Block Storage

Expand storage on your Cloud Server by attaching scalable SSD-based Volume from 10 GB to 10 TB


  • Scalable. Increase size of block storage volume as you need, without server reboot or downtime.
  • Independent. Block storage volume is managed independently from cloud server and can be attached to any your server in the same data-center.
  • Highly-available. Block storage volume use 3x replication to ensure your data is highly-available.


Effective Cloud – €0.15 EUR / GB / per month

Standard Cloud – €0.30 EUR / GB / per month

ARM Cloud – €0.15 EUR / GB / per month

* Block storage is available in the European locations: London, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Falkenstein, Helsinki



Billing and Pricing FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How am I billed?

All Hosting Plans are billed for periods: 1 Month, 12 Months. Invoice for service renewal is generated 14 days prior expiration date. 1 week prior service expiration date Invoice Payment Reminder is being sent to the client if invoice is not paid yet.

If I do not use Cloud for now, will I be billed?

Yes. We maintain your saved data and reserve your ability to use other resources like RAM, transfer, etc. even when your Cloud is powered off. You will be billed for extra IPs as well.

What Plan should I choose?

Choose Plan considering your project requirements. You will be able to scale up Cloud Server  in the future. Recommended Plan to start is “EC2” (Effective Managed Cloud) or “MC2” (Standard Managed Cloud), but if you’re not sure – please contact Sales Department to get advice.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Credit/Debit Cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Japan Credit Bureau, Paypal payments and Bank transfers.

What currencies do you accept?

Service at Olvy.eu accepts Euro (EUR) and US Dollar (USD) .

When my server can be suspended if I do not pay?

Your server will be suspended in 7 days after service expiration date. You will receive 3 Invoice Overdue Notices during this period. In 14 days all data will be cleared without possibility to restore.

Can I order server for 12 Months period, but pay this amount Monthly in installments?

No. We do not provide such payment method.

Do you provide special offers or discounts for long-term hosting periods?

Yes, we give 2 months free for Annual hosting. Please also check out our Social Network accounts or blog for further special offers.

Can I increase SSD disk space without Plan upgrade?

SSD disk space can be increased only as part of Plan upgrade. But it is possible to add Block Storage to the server to store static web content like images, media, etc, for your web applications.

Is it possible to exclude Managed Service fee from my server price if I order Unmanaged server?

No. Managed Service is included to the server price. But you can turn off this feature for your Unmanaged server if it’s not required.



Still Have A Question?

We are here to answer your any question about plans and pricing and suggest appropriate options.

